Synonim for stone 

We are pleased to welcome you on the website of a company that appreciates the quality and longevity of natural resources. 

Stone has always existed in nature and defied time with its stability and strength. Despite its outstanding features, it requires exceptional effort, attention, and time, so that it can provide its maximum through careful and professional processing, precise and adequate shaping and, ultimately, installation.

This is exactly how we approach business, by paying tribute to the quality and longevity of stone, trying to resist challenges and providing a high-quality product, developing business and leaving a legacy for the generations to come. 

Quality, lasting tradition and trust

are guiding principles on which we manage projects and build

Out of respect for the stone, we have been treating it equally for the last 30 years, thus leaving behind a work that, together with the stone, remains engraved for future generations. In addition to the permanent visual authentic appearance of your surroundings, stone cladding provides additional insulation and protection.


100% natural...

Stone is one of those precious natural resources, whose numerous methods of processing enable us to use it in finishing works in interior and exterior areas. By applying stone on surfaces, your surroundings take on a new dimension. Nature gets closer to you. 



We value durability...

Nature is full of wonderful creations, that enable us to decorate your surroundings with its elements. It has always been used in construction, throughout history in its entirety, nowadays mostly for covering already built surfaces.

Unique solutions offered by nature will make your surroundings pleasant, permanently functional and incomparable in design.

Stone will bring a touch of luxury and a piece of nature to your environment and beyond.

We offer experiance...

By choosing high-quality materials, as well as a suitable partner, your environment will get the desired dimension. Years of work and experience with various types of stone allow us to recognize your needs.

We realize your ideas and your projects by supervising them in all stages, from the procurement to the installation of natural stone.

What we do...

We sell order stone

All sorts of stone and marble for interior and exterior application, in all processing versions, from carved stone and manually processed to ready-made slabs cut to a size according to your needs. 

Shaping and installation of decorative stone and cladding 

Each type of stone and stone cladding requires a special type of installation, according to its characteristics, application, area and location of installation.

Planning and consulting

We are happy to answer all your questions and advise you on the best selection of stone as a natural material that been granted the status of one of the most durable. Together we plan and develop all steps from idea to realization.


Natural stone is selected according to its properties, application, design and area of installation. We offer various methods of processing, depending on whether it will be applied in interiors or exteriors. 


It is no coincidence that certain types of stone are used either in the interior or exterior, which is, among other things, primarily due to the external influences to which the material is exposed. Your outdoor space makes a first impression and all the difference.

Additional services

Stone installation is considered the final work in construction, which is why our work often makes a huge difference. We look forward to permanently decorating your environment and leaving it to be enjoyed by future generations. .


Natural stone facade
Natural stone facade 
Natural stone facade


Natural stone claddings interior
Naturl stone claddings interior
 Natural stone claddings interior


Ventilirated stone facade
Ventiliated stone facade
Ventilated stone facade


Decorative natural stone exterior
Decorative natural stone exterior
Decorative natural stone exterior




Hand-hewn stone wall 
Covers - natural stone Plano 
Covers - natural stone Plano